The Latest from Choctaw

As a fourth-generation marine construction and river transportation company, Choctaw Transportation Company has completed many federal, state, and private projects along with millions of miles of river travel with safety being at the forefront of every task from planning to completion. We continually improve our processes, demonstrate leadership, and promote comprehensive proactive safety decisions as our company’s safety culture is vitally important.
Monday, January 10, 2022
Key Corner Chapter NSDAR announced the selection of Amy Cresswell as its 2021-22 Outstanding Junior Member.
The Outstanding Junior Member Contest began in 1963 to recognize Junior members of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Honoring young women who have truly promoted the aims and purposes of the National Society, as well as participated in community activities, the contest encourages all Junior members to be vitally interested and involved in DAR programs and projects.
Cresswell, who proved her lineage to Patriot Andrew Hampton and joined the local Key Corner Chapter NSDAR in January 2021, is no stranger to community service and upholds DAR’s mission to God, Home, and Country through service to educate, promote patriotism, and support historic preservation.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Northwest Tennessee Regional Port Authority held a called meeting on Wednesday morning at the Lannom Center to award a bid for open cell dock construction. The open cell dock construction is a critical piece to the larger project of building the Port of Cates Landing and is also by far the most expensive piece.
After requesting additional time, five bids were submitted to the Port Authority by their deadline on Aug. 16. The lowest bid by far came from the locally operated Choctaw Transportation Company Inc. However, being the lowest bid did not automatically grant Choctaw the project. Project managers from Forcum Lannom Contractors, the technical counterparts on the project, met with project managers from Choctaw to ensure that the company would be able to deliver on the project.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The West Tennessee River Basin Authority and Choctaw Transportation of Heloise worked together to create a longitudinal stone toe in the Obion River near Moss Island Wildlife Management Area. The stone toe will help to shore up an existing bank-stabilization project (seen in the foreground to the right). The project was completed Friday.
This week's rain might be a good test for a new bank-stabilization project on the Obion River near Moss Island Wildlife Management Area.
David Salyers, executive director of the West Tennessee River Basin Authority, said the longitudinal stone toe was completed Friday. The stone toe may look like a pile of rock in the river, but it is engineered to strengthen and protect an existing bank-stabilization project.
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
If you've been dreaming for rain, considered Monday's shower a gift from The Dream Factory of Dyersburg.
As drops came, left and came back again, Dream Factory volunteers watched as a 3,000-pound limestone rock was placed near the entrance at the Dyersburg Middle School outdoor classroom.
For those volunteers, the placement was the fulfillment of their own dream.
More than five years ago, then-national director of Dream Factory, the late Dennis Haverin, introduced the idea that chapters plant a Forest of Dreams in honor or memory of the children in their communities whose dreams have been fulfilled.

Choctaw Transportation Co. Inc., Dyersburg, Tennessee, was awarded a $30,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract to provide stone repairs to revetments and dikes along the Mississippi River. Bids were solicited via the internet with five received.

Choctaw Transportation is a marine construction and transportation company with over 60 years of experience. Purposefully located on the Mississippi River for convenience and sustainability, the company has two locations and offers a range of aggregate services.

Jamey Sanders, Vice President of Choctaw Transportation Company, recently testified before the Senate committee of Environment and Public Works regarding the importance of the Water Resource Development Act bill.